We explain what Roman numerals are, their history and what their symbols and rules are. Also, how they are used today.
What are Roman numerals?
Roman numerals or Roman numerals are the set of written symbols developed in Ancient Rome to represent quantities. These symbols were part of a numbering system used throughout the Roman Empire, which borrowed some letters from the alphabet itself, that is, it did not use specific symbols for numbers, as did the systems of other cultures.
The symbols of the Roman system consisted of capital letters with a fixed numerical value, which, when appearing in the number, were added or subtracted, depending on their position, to create higher numbers. This means that they were part of an additive and subtractive numerical system, instead of a positional one (as is the case with the decimal system). You must read about Sheet Sizes of Paper once.
History of Roman numerals
Roman numerals were born as an update of the Etruscan numeral system, which was taken from the system of the ancient Greeks. The ancient Romans took from their alphabet the letters that most resembled the Etruscan symbols and created their own pattern. These letters are capital because initially the Latin alphabet did not contain lowercase letters of any kind.
The Roman system was initially purely additive, like the Etruscan, so that symbols were piled up to create the chosen number (4, for example, corresponded to four units: IIII), until reaching a number high enough to change sign (5 units: IIIII, becomes V). But around the 3rd century BC the system was perfected to also allow subtraction, which gave rise to a more synthetic and pragmatic model (in which 4 is represented as IV, that is, five units minus one).
Roman numerals survived the fall of the empire and the transformation of European culture, and continued to be used for centuries, until eventually being displaced by Arabic numerals, due to the influence of the Arab empires during the Middle Ages. Today they are reserved for very specific uses, such as chapter titles and the numbering of some clocks, among others.
Roman numeral symbols
Roman numeral symbols are limited, only seven, and each with a fixed value established, as shown below:
Symbol – Name – Numeric value
- I – VNVS (one) – 1
- V – QVINQVE (five) – 5
- X – DECEM (ten) – 10
- L – QVINQVAGINTA (fifty) – 50
- C – CENTVM (hundred) – 100
- D – QVINGENTI (five hundred) – 500
- M – MILLE (thousand) – 1000
Rules of the Roman numbering system
The Roman numbering system consists, in the first instance, of the accumulation of symbols with a fixed value, arranged from highest to lowest in a linear sense from left to right. In other words, the numbers must always start with the highest signs.
The numbers, therefore, are composed by adding the signs that appear to the right. Thus, for example, if we see two or more unit signs, we must add them: I + I = II (1 + 1 = 2), and the number, therefore, grows to the right as it increases: III is I + I + I.
However, once we reach a certain amount, we must go to signs of greater value (such as V) to which we can, however, continue adding units, provided that they appear on the right side of the number: V + I = VI (5 + 1 = 6), for example. The same rule applies to adding higher signs: X + V = XV (10 + 5 = 15).
Thus, any number in Roman numerals is the product of the sum of the signs that represent it. 1382, for example, is represented as follows: MCCCLXXXII, equivalent to 1000 + (100 + 100 + 100) + (50 + 10 + 10 + 10) + 1 + 1, or 1000 + 300 + 80 + 2. However, in no case may the same number be repeated more than three times in a row, that is, you cannot write IIII (for 4) or XXXX (for 40); in these cases you must resort to subtraction.
When we find a number with a greater value than another, but located to the right of it, we must subtract the smaller number from the larger one: IV = V – I (4 = 5 – 1), for example, since V is greater than I. This applies to any number: IX = X – I (9 = 10 – 1), XL = L – X (40 = 50 – 10), CD = D – C (400 = 500 – 100). This is the way to compose Roman numerals for which it would be necessary to repeat the same sign more than three times. Maybe you should definitely read about Psychopath once.
Current uses of Roman numerals
Currently, Roman numerals have a very limited and specific use. They are often used to number chapters in books, to mark the hours on some clocks and in written language to indicate the numbering of centuries (11th century, 20th century), the numbering of kings and nobles (Juan Carlos I, Enrique VII).
They are also used in the numbering of military divisions (IV Platoon of the army, II Lancers Battalion) and the editions of certain important events (II Mariano Picón Salas Biennial of Literature, III European Congress of Astrophysics, XX anniversary of the return of democracy).
It is also common to find them in documents from ancient times and as part of national symbols, monuments and other objects and solemn places, such as the naves of a Christian church, or the stages of the Way of the Cross of Jesus of Nazareth.
Roman numeral table
The following is a table with Roman numerals from 1 to 1000:
Decimal numbering – Roman numerals
- 1 – I
- 2 – II
- 3 – III
- 4 – IV
- 5 – V
- 6 – VI
- 7 – VII
- 8 – VIII
- 9 – IX
- 10 – X
- 11 – XI
- 12 – XII
- 13 – XIII
- 14 – XIV
- 15 – XV
- 16 – XVI
- 17 – XVII
- 18 – XVIII
- 19 – XIX
- 20 – XX
- 21 – XXI
- 22 – XXII
- 23 – XXIII
- 24 – XXIV
- 25 – XXV
- 26 – XXVI
- 27 – XXVII
- 28 – XXVIII
- 29 – XXIX
- 30 – XXX
- 31 – XXXI
- 32 – XXXII
- 33 – XXXIII
- 34 – XXXIV
- 35 – XXXV
- 36 – XXXVI
- 37 – XXXVII
- 38 – XXXVIII
- 39 – XXXIX
- 40 – XL
- 41 – XLI
- 42 – XLII
- 43 – XLIII
- 44 – XLIV
- 45 – XLV
- 46 – XLVI
- 47 – XLVII
- 48 – XLVIII
- 49 – XLIX
- 50 – L
- 51 – LI
- 52 – LII
- 53 – LIII
- 54 – LIV
- 55 – LV
- 56 – LVI
- 57 – LVII
- 58 – LVIII
- 59 – LIX
- 60 – LX
- 61 – LXI
- 62 – LXII
- 63 – LXIII
- 64 – LXIV
- 65 – LXV
- 66 – LXVI
- 67 – LXVII
- 68 – LXVIII
- 69 – LXIX
- 70 – LXX
- 71 – LXXI
- 72 – LXXII
- 73 – LXXIII
- 74 – LXXIV
- 75 – LXXV
- 76 – LXXVI
- 77 – LXXVII
- 78 – LXXVIII
- 79 – LXXIX
- 80 – LXXX
- 81 – LXXXI
- 82 – LXXXII
- 83 – LXXXIII
- 84 – LXXXIV
- 85 – LXXXV
- 86 – LXXXVI
- 87 – LXXXVII
- 89 – LXXXIX
- 90 – XC
- 91 – XCI
- 92 – XCII
- 93 – XCIII
- 94 – XCIV
- 95 – XCV
- 96 – XCVI
- 97 – XCVII
- 98 – XCVIII
- 99 – XCIX
- 100 – C
- 101 – CI
- 102 – CII
- 103 – CIII
- 104 – CIV
- 105 – CV
- 106 – CVI
- 107 – CVII
- 108 – CVIII
- 109 – CVIX
- 110 – CX
- 111 – CXI
- 112 – CXII
- 113 – CXIII
- 114 – CXIV
- 115 – CXV
- 116 – CXVI
- 117 – CXVII
- 118 – CXVIII
- 119 – CXIX
- 120 – CXX
- 130 – CXXX
- 140 – CXL
- 150 – CL
- 160 – CLX
- 170 – CLXX
- 180 – CLXXX
- 190 – CXC
- 200 – CC
- 250 – CCL
- 300 – CCC
- 350 – CCCL
- 400 – CD
- 450 – CDL
- 500 – D
- 550 – DL
- 600 – DC
- 700 – DCC
- 800 – DCCC
- 900 – CM
- 1000 – M